Minimalist home design collection of the newest and most popular is designed by the famous architect as a reference for building a House

Monday 22 April 2013

Simplify, simplify, simplify...

Wild cat living in an wild field close to where I work
Remember this cat?  I had mention him because I had seen him somewhere in october, before winter, while taking a walk at lunch time.  Ever since, when I go by that place, which is essentially every working day, I look for him...  I was wondering how he found winter... and even worried he may not make it...  Well I am happy to say to say that he made it!!!  I saw him today...  he was sunbathing on one of those ciment block...  much thinner...  I must say...  and I didn't have a chance to take a picture as he was leaving when I saw him...  but it kind of made my day!!!

What I wanted to talk about today was simplicity... or minimalism...  which ever you want to call it!

On my quest to simplify, it is amazing how I sometimes make simple very complicated!!!  It is easy to get overwhelmed or influenced in our simplicity! When you read a lot about it and think a lot about it, it seems like lots of information are available on the subject and everyone adresses it in their own way... and if you try and do everything it DOES get complicated!!!  See what is simple to me may not be to the next person... and this is why I try to not influence my readers as to what they should simplify...  I give examples... but no rules...  I have not rules really.... it comes and goes... what ever works for a day of a little while may no longer works after...  and that is OK!!! Life changes constantly! What may be simple at one time may not be at another!!!  And I do not think rigid rules will help you simplify either... 

I like to go with my feelings...  How do I feel in such a room?  with such an object? or a piece of clothes?  a book?  why do I choose to keep it or not? 

I have come to realise that I am not one who likes crowded rooms...  I like to see floor space....  expecially in kitchen, yoga/office room and bedrooms... it seems to me that floor space is important to circulate energy.... to think, sleep and prepare delicious meals...  you might argue (or hope) that I do not prepare my meals on the floor... and of course I don't but still.... the living room doesn't bother me so much...  even crowded... to me a living room is where you sit down and relax, discuss with family and friends...  while enjoying tea and/or a snack...  I like to have books and magazines lying around for an easy look at...  a quick read.... or inspiration... 

I also like to have a few things on the wall... pieces of art I made, a wall tapestry, chakras, a picture of an alley my brother took....  not so much picture of family and friends as I find people in pictures look fake and static... most times anyway!

as for book, DVDs and CDs... I am happy with what I have now...  I purge them regularly... and yes I still buy some when they are dear to me!!! I like to hold a book...  not a electronic one... one made of paper... which could be natural as I am a writer after all... but I do not see the point of keeping them if I will never look at them again... so I pass them on...

I do not like anything collecting dust... unless it was given to me by my son and/or is related to my yoga practice... if not, there is no point!

as for clothes, for over 6 months I have been counting to make sure I did not have more than 33 items... and updated my list regularly and sharing it..... and that is becoming too complicated...  really who cares about the number of items I have???  the whole purpose of me joining Project 333 was to rationalize my wardrobe...  to actually wear what suits me... what I like and what reflects who I am....  preoccupied but the numbers, I was loosing track of that...  therefore this weekend, because I had to update my wardobe to reflect climate change... spring finally is here...  I knew I was gona get ready for now untill end of september... and then it would basically stay the same...  I had to share my 33 items between work, week end and outtings that required fancier dressing...  and some colder days which we always get here in Montreal even in July! So if I absolutely wanted to stick to 33 I was desperatly looking to eliminate 7 items from my wardrobe....  but I really liked ALL of those items.... and they all fit well together and I wear all of them!!! So why do that?  Why get rid of something that I really like???  This seemed like nonsense... 

...and I relaized that I had become obsesses by numbers... not more than xx for clothes, xx for DVDs, xx for furniture....  xx for ...  see where I am going....  in my quest to simplify I had complicated my life with numbers and rules for not having more than xx items of something... 

and this is what I warn myself against...  I should simplify in my own way!!!  not by numbers assign by other people...  I do not care if I have 101 object if I use all of them!!!  40 pieces of clothes if all of them make me feel good and sexy!!!

What is important to me it that nothing be stagnant in my house...  nothing should be there because of my inability to pass is on... I use and love everything that comes thru that door...  and that's it!!!  I am done counting!!!  Done following rules...  this is what I go with as of now... 

and you know what if THAT does not fit in the rules of a thru minimalist, I don't really care...  I do not need to belong to anything...  I want to live a simple life... MY life!!!  MY way....  this is what makes me feel good...  be happy... 

and this is what ALL of you should do!!!  Live your life by your own rules!!!!

p.s. I am still not gona tell you to be a hoarder...  have 4 closets pack...  that doesn't make sense to me either... crowded space still equals crowded mind and all the problems that comes along...  but be simple in your own way!!! Not in my way or anyone else's...

So what rules do you want to go with?  What is important to you?  What do you want to achieve with your simplicity?

love and peace,

Simplify, simplify, simplify... Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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