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Friday 28 June 2013

Uncertainty, fear... Success and happiness

On my facebook profile earlier this week I posted that... 

I often talk about Plan A and Plan B.... not giving up...  continue pursuing your dreams... keep doing what you like and you'll get results....  This note I find was very much like what I write about... 

If "Plan A" didn't work. The alphabet has 25 more letters! Stay cool.
I was also told that some languages, like German, even have an extra 4 characters...  lol

But I digress.... my point is, I have very rarely met someone who had their Plan A, committed to it, succeeded at it and are HAPPY about it!!! Without needing any other plan in all their life! And remain happy!!!

For example, my Plan A when I was a young adult was to get a degree in biochemistry... and I did... so technically I could say:  Plan A - done

The thing is, I was young.... and I didn't know... what life was about... what I wanted...  and so on... so my Plan A at that time worked out....  but only to realise years later that my Plan A was not a real plan...  and after seeking what I wanted my plan to be I came up with one....  Let's name it Plan B...

Of course, I had many small successes but also huge fails...  like most people.... but I learned from all those successes and failures... And I got to know myself better...  only to realise that my initial Plan A (to be a biochemist) was a tool to achieve something bigger....  Years after I got my degree, I was no longer working as a biochemist....  and I was pursuing other plans...  but what I realise is that from "jumping" from A to B... and to C... and D... and so on (I lost count), what I was really doing was looking for a way to achieve  the goal behind my initial Plan A...

Do you understand what I mean???  It sounds much more clear in my head than in writing....  but then again, you do not want to be in my head! lol

When I wanted to become a biochemist, I wanted to help other people...  to find cure to diseases...  or prevent them.... so that people be healthy and happy!!!  I was scare to death of diseases.... and even thus I manage to live with an incurable degenerative one (actually pretty well) everyday of my life, I am still scare of them!!! But now I have found the tools to keep most of them away... 

So technically, my initial Plan A was to help others... not to be a biochemist... that was the tool I knew at that time! And when I look at all I have done in my life, it always is to help others... and try and make them feel good, be healthy and stay aways from diseases.... 

Therefore I can easily say that my Plan A, Plan B, Plan C...  all have the same goal!!!  And I like to believe that as I grow older and wiser (I know what you're  ) I am getting closer to my ultimate goal... and that all those plans are tools to get me there... and if I am still working on it, it is because my plans didn't work out...  Did I stay cool all the time?  Hell no!!!  I am human... raised in a society like all of you... model to behave and think in such a way...  my path has me using tools that are unconventional to get to my goal of helping people....  and I do get scare...  and uncertain at times...

I tried many things that did not work out... so of course I wonder if the next will...  and I am not getting any younger... and I see time passing by.... and the clock is ticking.... to achieve my ultimate goal of course I have all my life... but still...

Also, as I feel like I am getting closer, I sometimes get scare... and I think this is pretty normal... the only thing is that you have to keep moving.... not let fear paralyze you!

I have those voices in my head that like to say: what makes you think this is it? you tried so many things, why would this work? maybe you have the wrong timing? maybe you're not good enough? maybe you're dreaming too big? bla, bla,bla...

but what are those voices?  basically the voice of reason... as we were taught! The voice of fear! The voice of uncertainty! So I should not listen to those voices.... and I don't... most times...  but I have my weak moments too...

but I talk to myself... I know no dreams are too big! I know I am good enough! I know the timing is always what it should be! I know all I tried was to teach me something and bring me somewhere! And I know this is IT!!!  I just know it!!! 

Of course, I have no idea of how it will happen...  and when... and all those details... but I do not need to know all that if I live in the present.. because the future doesn't really exist yet... I make it up with every decision I make now! This is what is forging my future...

And most importantly...  I want you to reread this post as if it was you writing it!!!  Because if all this is true for me... it is true for you to!!!!   You can dream big...  you can be afraid...  you can fail.... and you will learn... and get wiser... and refine you plans... and find what you really like.... and SUCCEED!!!!

But you have to keep trying... and for the voices or reason, fear, uncertainty: shut them up...
And do not let anyone discourage you...  or talk you out of doing something you really care about...   because you may regret it... and regret it the WORSE thing... You only have one life.... make it yours!!!  Completely yours!!!!  And enjoy it!  And be happy! 

I am always happy to hear from you... do not hesitate to contact me!!!

Don't forget to check out my Facebook page.... or personal profile... connect with me on twitter or google +...

love and peace,

Uncertainty, fear... Success and happiness Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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