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Wednesday 18 September 2013

Time for a change?

One of my favorite tees has the following sentence:

"Don't look back you're not going that way"

This is sooooo true.... no one is going back... we're always moving forward...  whether we want it or not... whether we stay glued to our past... we're still moving forward... there is no other way... time passes by and drags us along!

Now how do you know when it's time for a change???  Do you realize it??? or not...

We are so conditioned by what we are suppose to do.... where we should be...  what we should think... what we ought to become...

Do we take the time to figure things out for ourselves???

I hope you guys do... I know I do!

I can feel it's time for a change for me...
Am I sure of what it is?  NO
Am I comfortable knowing I need change but not knowing what will happen?  NO
Am I scared?  Yes... sometimes...
 DO I wish I could stay put?  Not really...

Now the answer to those for 2 questions seems obvious... However, the answer to the last 2 questions may be surprising and may require some explanation...

Yes I can be scared....  it can be challenging not knowing where I am off to.... or what will come up next... but with years of experience on the subject, I learned to realize that everything is always fine... it just always turns out OK! And hence the "sometimes"...  I can actually "talk" myself out of being scare when it shows up!  I have learn to trust life... as long as I listen to the signals it sends me...
And I certainly do not wish I could stay put.... that would means I am dead... more or less...  I would have stopped hoping.... trying... believing... that would made me stay put... but that would be so sad...

When change is required...  I get physical and mental signals... And you do to!  You just have to learn what they are... they are different from one person to another... but somehow similar!  The feeling of not being in the right place... always thinking about what's next....  making plans... not being able to concentrate on a task...feeling stuck... useless.... like I've seen it all...  these are my mental signals... I feel like I am constantly pulled away from what I should be doing! This is because something else is calling me...

Now physically, I want to sleep more...  I have upper back pain... and my hands hurt... I just want to curl in and sleep... This is to show me that it's time to pull away... I have lived that over and over again... and I know that when THAT happens, change will soon come...

Now I know I'll be fine... because change is actually a GOOD thing... challenging....  stressful...  but GOOD!  This is what allows us, as a person to move forward... we should learn, move, change, think, question... all our life!!!  Never take anything for what it is... never settle into anything...  once it no longer suits us.. move on... and I am not talking about one thing precisely... I am talking about minor changes (place you live, car you own, way you dress, hobbies...) but also big challenging changes (relationship, friendship, job, career, life path...).

You can't be one thing all you life and be happy in it... because you evolve... you change... you mature... your needs change... the way you see things change....  and hence your surrounding needs to change accordingly...

Permanency does not exist in this life...  in no way...  the only permanent in this life is change!
Certainty do not exist in this life... except for 2 things... you were born and you will die...

I know there change coming up for me...  I do not know exactly what... I am listening for signal the universe is sending me...  it helps.... some will call that coincidence... I rather say, signals... because it you miss it, you'll get some more... so this is no coincidence!

I will pay attention to what's coming my way and see where it will bring me...  Who knows???

As I like to say, the path is much more important than the destination!

I am always happy to hear from you... do not hesitate to contact me!!!

Don't forget to check out my Facebook page.... or personal profile... connect with me on twitter or google +...

love and peace,

Time for a change? Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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