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Saturday, 2 November 2013

Re-grounding myself to accept change

So this is it... I am done with a day job...  for a while anyway... my last day was October 31st...  and I am not going to lie, it has not been easy... Of course I do not miss work directly...  and not my office or the building on the long commute there...  but I miss some of the people I worked with...  I got attached to them much more than I had ever wanted too...  but that is life...  people will walk in and out of your life... for a reason.. there is no such thing as coincidences...  everything happens for a reason...  they had to learn something from me and I had to learn something from them!  I'll probably stay in touch with some of them... Hopefully...

Now in order to start my mew life, I have been taking it easy...  I went for a zen tea at Starbucks... I have read my new book (a gift from work)  "Wherever you go there you are". It's about mindfulness.. being in the present moment...  about how everything unfolds when the time is right... and about trust... in life... about how you can't rush life...  just like you can't rush the seasons... 
I need some grounding...  I need to rebuild my roots...  as like moving, losing a job is something that happens that can mess up your root chakras.... so I need to go back to what I know well... 

I will work on my yoga
Write my blog
Work on my conferences
Go to the SPA

All these actions are grounding to me...  as they date a while back and they follow me whatever change I go thru...

Therefore I know that this is what I need to do... to rebuild my roots... 

When your root chakra is affected by major life changes, you need to give him stability...  and therefore doing something it will recognize will do just that!!! 

You can also wear black or red.. which are the color associated to the root chakras!!

Now whether or not you know about chakras or not is irrelevant... whenever you are going thru one of life major changes, or as what they call the major life stressors, this is what you need to do!

Do something your body and mind will recognize... and appreciate...  recreate a routine... a safe environment...  in order to do that, you can refer to activities you do often, people you feel comfortable with,  an environment where you feel safe...   you can go back to your favorite smell and color... your favorite meals...  your favorite clothes....  your favorite music...

Take a child as an example...  when they are really stressed out, they grab their favorite plush toy or blanket... they usually always go to the same spot in the house... they will ask for their favorite food or juice...  their favorite book, movie, music... they do that instinctively...  we should do that too!!!

So I know what I have to do to reground myself... rebuild my roots... it's not the first time I have to do it...  and I will do it again in the future I am pretty sure...  and that's OK!   This is what life is all about!!!  Change!!! 

It will take time...  as it always does...  but I will move on...  and I have so many projects...  I can't wait for this quiet period to be over and jump into them...  but first things first...  I have learn over the years that if I do not take that time to myself, I will pay for it later...

What about you? What is grounding to you?  What do you do when you feel lost? 

I am always happy to hear from you... do not hesitate to contact me!!! And forward this post to people who may be interested!

Don't forget to check out my Facebook page.... or personal profile... connect with me on twitter or google +...


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