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Friday, 13 December 2013

the bad side of the Holiday season


As long as I can remember, I always had mixed emotions about the Holiday season…

Parts of me LOVE it!!!!  I love the lights… the decorations… the music… I use to decorate extensively but not so much anymore… this too has been minimalized… And I love it even more... there is just a subtle hint of the Holidays in my home!

As a kid, I also loved the gifts… and I still do… but I prefer non material gifts…  stuff I can do/eat/use up…  but gifts are gifts and when well chosen I still appreciate all of them!

Now, the ugly… I also hate that time of the year… and I have not mentioned that to too many people… so I am really opening up with this post…

As a kid, my parents used to do the Christmas tree the first weekend of December… on a Saturday night when my brother and I were sleeping… they would put it up in the living room… reserved for the visit… and all the month of December opened to us too…  The Sunday when the tree would be up my brother and I would spend extensive period of time just lying there on the carpet in front of the tree looking at each ornaments… and I would do so over and over until it came down… now this may look cute from the outside… but from the inside… it was not just cute… because there was not only lovely thoughts in that little brain of mine…  I remember getting really sad and crying( when  I was alone)… and over  the years, the reasons why  I would burst into tears would change…  but I can’t get away from it…  and as I get older, Christmas actually makes me more sad year after year…  as I see more things… become more aware of the people around me, I can’t help but notice the misery…

So here’s my list of reason for being sad at Christmas

1)      Kids who would not have gifts

2)      War

3)      Kids who had sick grandparents

4)      Kids who had dead grandparents

5)      Kids who would not have as much gifts as other kids

6)      People who were left alone and/or did not have homes

Now some more mature reasons

1)      Suffering

2)      Injustice

3)      Homeless people

4)      Inequality

5)      War

6)      The fact that is has become a race to the biggest gift

7)      Parents with a sick/missing kids

8)      Spouse alone for the first time in years

9)      New orphans – no matter the age

10)   People away from their loved ones and unable to get to them

And I could go on and on… I can’t help thinking about that… of course I still enjoy it… because I am lucky to not be directly in any of those situations…  but the compassionate me hurts… I can’t help thinking about all those people who are suffering and for who that time of the year serve nothing but make them feel even more miserable! For the last few years, I have started doing random acts of kindness as of my birthday late November to the Holidays… it helps a little… but I wish I could do more!!!


the bad side of the Holiday season Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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