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Friday 22 August 2014

#108 days: week 9 is over.... day 63!!!!

There goes another week...  63 days of my 108 are over...  and despite the fact that I have let go of a lot of the rules, I am still discovering a lot about me... surprisingly enough perhaps more then with the rules!  It's amazing what comes out when you give yourself the gift of liberty!

What I did discover is that:

1) I feel much better when I eat very little at a time....  lots of fruits and nuts...  nuts can bring me a long way!  I am better off with soups and stews then mostly anything else. 

2) Despite the fact that I still crave "candies", every time I allow myself to have some, I feel really bad after.  Why crave something that makes you feel bad???  Will I ever understand? Is sugar really so addictive??

3) I am better off with a regular 15-20 minutes yoga practice then an hour long 3-4 times a week.... 

4) I love to bike to places more then to walk. I am planning to use my bike as much as I can and as long as there are not enough snow to prevent me from using it

5) The week end walks I had mention might not be so rigid!  I bike to work and most places... when I can't, I walk...  I stand up at work 8h a day... I think I may rest on the week ends...  and not "force" a walk each morning...

6) I am more solitary then I first thought I was...  I love my peace and quiet... I love being in Moncton and far away from my hometown...  This may sound selfish but it is not.... I do miss some people but I can keep busy and give myself time to do things I love without expectations from anyone...  and for now, at almost 42, it is what I needed. I needed to be "alone" and finish figuring things out...  and this is exactly what I am doing now.

7) I am surprised by human nature...  I started loosing faith in it but it is coming back... working in the public makes me see that most people are actually really nice...  many are just shy...  very little are taking out there bad days on the first person they can and very very very little are just mean and frustrated! Perhaps people here are much less stress and it helps...  Perhaps I am much less stress and it helps in the sense that people react better to me...  who knows?  There are no way to find out for sure...  but I like it here, people are nice to me... and my "accent" make French and English people smile...  they both think I talk in a bizarre way! 

8) I am really, really happy when I am home...  finally!  No longer running away from something...  of after something!  Not sure which one I was doing... perhaps, a little of both!

And now as for this week more specifically:

1) I spent more time with my son and we went, amongst other things, to visit his new school which seems awesome!  He is really exited about it!

2) I have officially started my work at Starbucks as a real barista no longer on training.

3) I have found more recipes for pickling I want to try.  Some from a book and some from my mom.

4) I started working on one more craft projects that is not done yet...

5) Watch a few Dr Who with my son... we are almost done and now looking for another show we would both love... any suggestions?

6) Starting to let go of more social medias and blogs....  I kept only 4 blogs I really really love... here they are:
for now, these are the only one I can afford to follow time wise....  however, I still kept all the FB pages so I will know if something interesting comes up on one of the 12 or so blogs I was following...

Also, on that note, I will be phasing out my own Facebook page and possibly my Twitter account...  in the very near future...  If you wish to keep on following me, you can always do so by suscribing to emails, sending me a friend request on my personnal FB, following me on Google+ (directly from this blog) or Pinterest. Links to FB page and Pinterest profile are down below in signature.

I am actually loving less time on social media and more time with my husband, son and myself.  I even leave my phone home when we all go somewhere together!  Never would I have done that before!

Well, this is it...  enough for tonight... I had a rough week and now I need to relax and perhaps take a hot bath! :-)

7) Got a new ebook project in the furnace... on minimalism...   that is all I can say for now.

thanks for reading!
and please share if you like this blog!!!


#108 days: week 9 is over.... day 63!!!! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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